Microservices Patterns Intoduction | 220105


Running off generator power, ten inches of snow. TBA the return of normal power, water, and data services.

Microservices Patterns

Book : enter image description here

Having been given an unplanned opportunity to read, I’ve been getting through this microservices patterns book.

It dumps a lot information in a very thicc way and enlightens me to how little I knew(again).

So the solution to the issue where I was having with circular dependencies looks like it stems from two areas. One me trying to stick to my object orientated background I’m trying to stick to the data model then tailor the services to that. Second is I’m not using the Saga Pattern.

Having been given an unplanned opportunity to read, I’ve been getting through this microservices patterns book.

It dumps a lot information in a very thicc way and enlightens me to how little I knew(again).

So the solution to the issue where I was having with circular dependencies looks like it stems from two areas. One me trying to stick to my object orientated background I’m trying to stick to the data model then tailor the services to that. Second is I’m not using the Saga Pattern.

example of a sage pattern

Granted the Sage Pattern requires an event streaming platform(like Kafka or MQ). This means I need to get some infra structure up. I will going with Kafka for the sole reason I used to MQ a lil bit in my last job, and in the last few interviews Kafka has come and this seems like a good opportunity to get some experience with the framework.
