Trying to get Kafka to send Rest Messages | 220712
So this is what I came up with I am positive this will change once the integration is more along, but I need to start from some where.
So in the request I have the Saga with some unique id for the Saga orchestrated and the name. so I know where the to send the response.
I don’ think this strictly necessary, but I mite need it. I would be good to know even if not really needed currently
This self explanatory this will be the data if any needed to be sent to the other services
Type + Body
So I have a quick type I mite change that to response code like the http response codes.Then for the body this would be where error or the wanted response. I mite end up using the type in case sending a is not needed in a no content.
Okay I am working on the struct for the message type for in go and I was thinking do I want two different ‘styles’. So I can keep the style of request/response or or hear me out I have a sub struct with a data/body. I am not sure
So I changed some things around with Message for compensation from my planing earlier. to this
I know I will move and change this around has time progresses. I think having the name and id isn’t really necessary once I come with a better system of just pick one.
I am not speed.
So I got it to send the message type, but the issues it its very slow. I am guessing cause its not sending them until it fills up or something. I really have no clue gonna try and figure it it out now
2201713_0008 Okay there seems to be post on this. Its just as I thought it seems I don’t fully understanding the package. Github -Issue
Unrelated:Thought this was interesting. Go 1.18 Generics