
Group Messaging Golang/Fullstack Study

Conduit | Appalachian-bastion

Group messaging web application with a focus on the group’s control of its own commuinty message policy and admittance. Once it’s in working order then to expand it’s feature set to ‘flashy’ items.

Is more a study into golang web devlopment and devops. With a fouce on selfhosting and kubernetes.

Number of post: 42
Project Status: Active Devlopment
Number Unque Tags: 65
Last Post:
Project Start Date:
. env API Bitnami 2 Book 2 Cert manager Cloud providers 2 Config Database 2 Devblog 36 Docker 5 Experiments Go 18 Go oidc Golang 2 Gorm 3 Informative Ingress JWT 2 Kafka 6 Kafka messaging Kakfa 3 Kakfa go Keycloak 7 Kraft 2 Kubernetes 2 Linode Local DNS Microservices 6 Minikube Nextjs 2 Oauth Oauth2 2 Odic Oidc Openid 2 Pgx 2 Postal Postgres 3 Rest 5 Rust Saga 3 SMTP 3 SOF t delete SQL 2 SQL x Swagger UUID Viper Yew Zookeeper

Casting Commands | 220726

220726 Okay I’ve been working the saga pattern. It took me a while of paper and thinking to figure it out. I have the concept worked out. Looking at it now it seems simple, but it took me a lot of big thinking to figure it out. Read More…

Planning Sage Pattern Implemtation and Experments | 220718

220718 _0523 Okay I’ve been do throwing this idea around in my head after getting that reader to work last week. I don’t think I need a Kafka just to use cross service just to send REST request between services. Read More…

Messing around with Kafka | 220713

220713 Wtf is the key used for in Kafka I saw the key inside of the go-kafka for the writer and wasn’t wtf it was meant for. TIL I think it to tell kafka what partition to use. Read More…

Trying to get Kafka to send Rest Messages | 220712

220712 0251 So this is what I came up with I am positive this will change once the integration is more along, but I need to start from some where. Request Orchestration So in the request I have the Saga with some unique id for the Saga orchestrated and the name. Read More…

Kafka Config | 220711

220711 Working on the kafka integration gotta find a better way to user the viper env loader package, cause I am running to problems sending the broker and env information around to different so I think I need to work on this cause I am getting this error(below) I am I have gotten it similar when bring on the other services two cause I try to not repeat code. Read More…

Channel Service Update | 220707

220707 Channel Service update -0703- I Got the Get to were I want it to be about now. I just finished the PUT It works, but took some messing about with. Read More…

220630 |

220630 0645 Okay while looking through the code for the channels I realized I had not run it since moving everything to a new drive and while also looking at it kinda confused. Read More…

Kafka Group Internal Monolog | 220629

220629 _0610 Okay looking into it I have a better idea of what Kafka is, but has came with some issues I need to have each service have it own message command system thingy. Read More…

Getting Kraft Container Working | 220601

220601 Getting Kafka to some operational state So I got the KRaft to work I think, then I realized I really didn’t understand all that much about Kafka and using the new stuff leaves documentation rather low, but whatever. Read More…

Trying Kraft for this project | 220531

220531 So I am starting with Choreography pattering so that means going with Kafka I have worked with MQ in the past but the future is now. So looking at the documentation for Kafka there is new feature that been in the tested in Kafka for a few years (since 2020) that removes the required zookeeper meta manager under the title KRaft Read More…