
Group Messaging Golang/Fullstack Study

Conduit | Appalachian-bastion

Group messaging web application with a focus on the group’s control of its own commuinty message policy and admittance. Once it’s in working order then to expand it’s feature set to ‘flashy’ items.

Is more a study into golang web devlopment and devops. With a fouce on selfhosting and kubernetes.

Number of post: 42
Project Status: Active Devlopment
Number Unque Tags: 65
Last Post:
Project Start Date:
. env API Bitnami 2 Book 2 Cert manager Cloud providers 2 Config Database 2 Devblog 36 Docker 5 Experiments Go 18 Go oidc Golang 2 Gorm 3 Informative Ingress JWT 2 Kafka 6 Kafka messaging Kakfa 3 Kakfa go Keycloak 7 Kraft 2 Kubernetes 2 Linode Local DNS Microservices 6 Minikube Nextjs 2 Oauth Oauth2 2 Odic Oidc Openid 2 Pgx 2 Postal Postgres 3 Rest 5 Rust Saga 3 SMTP 3 SOF t delete SQL 2 SQL x Swagger UUID Viper Yew Zookeeper

DB Code base intergration | 211218

211218 Docker image for postures Bog standard nothing docker compose Note I plan to turn on ssl mode(link) on later when this gets on the cluster Using GORM for database Documentation for this and the package it self makes this rather easy. Read More…

CRUD Operations | 211210

211210 CRUD operations for Servers So I have the basic REST crud operations for the for the server service. For the Create, Update, and delete aren’t necessary for the MVP, but I thought since i was here and for practice. Read More…

Keycloak "Learning" | 211130

Keycloak “Learning” Preamble: I have play around with keycloak before but I really don’t understand all the in’s and out. I want to learn more about it so I know all the options and constants when planning out the user structures and how the roles would interact with data. Read More…

Linode Say NO SMTP | 211115

211115 nvm I gotta find a new way on how to handle mail linode says no mail fml I have wasted so long on this

Docker SMTP | 211111

Postal SMTP Okay after spending some time looking around at the state of the postal. I have found a few items. Postal Github and it creators and maintainer are making updates and so on, and are focused on containerization. Read More…

211110 |

SMTP I had limited interactions with SMTP really only inputting provided cred to use one that was already set up for some bot related work professionally to integrate with an API Read More…

Planning 11/09 | 211209

211209 I will do the oidc integration with the code later For now I am starting on the code for the the application now. I have started with some basic apis and middle ware for the server data type. Read More…

211108 |

Progress 211108_1203 ingress controller is operation(haproxy) cert-manger is operational keycloak is operational more testing of full functionally is still needed, but initial smoke test everything seems to as it should GitHub: has been updated with helm values and cluster issuers Read More…

Backend to Frontend | 211207

211207 BFF Backend for Frontend I have been looking into how best how to handle the Nextjs front end with the backend services. Which is something I didn’t really think about until I start writing application code cause the token to the frontend with no issue but using that token to with real concern, but how to best hand off that login ed in user to the backend came with some issues(more vagueness). Read More…

Keycloak Clients | 211206

211106 Clients so planning out the objects/clients etc… I am going with conduit for the app name for now so from my current understanding I am going to need one for the backend(data)(conduit-backend) not super positive on this on if I use a object relation mapper but just in case i think it mite be redundant one for the browser app(conduit-browser) one for the server side interactions api calls (conduit-server-side) Groups At least to start i am just going to have these groups I am going to lean on keycloak to handle what user have access to what servers(discord term) for now I am not postive this best way, but speed is the name of the game right now I need to get some Proof of Concept completed sooner than later. Read More…