SVGs, Break Statements & HUGO | 220923
Github Project Links and svg
Quick add to the project list page to pull the think Github link form the projects front matter, then just in case in the link. Use a dictionary to pass the values to a partial to dictate the size of the svg
<!-- /ed-m/layouts/notes/list.html -->
<!--If there is github in the project index front matter then makes pull the github svg and put in the link to the projects base github-->
{{with .Param "github"}}
{{ $githubAsset := resources.Get "/svgs/github.svg" }}
<a class="github-svg" href={{.}}>
<!-- Simple Dictonary insert for the nessary values for for the SVG size -->
{{ partial "github-svg.html" (dict "width" 30 "height" 30 ) }}
Side note: I notice I keep finding my self on this one site to better understand basic css implementation and wanted to share it. . I know the URL looks like bullshit site, but some of the new articles are full of digrams and example code that I find really helpful.
_0651 Current Progress.
Trying to get the post count for a given project
So while trying to fill up some space I thought of a few project stats I could do with out writing a webhook into github(maybe another day). So I am trying to use the index version of range in hugo with where as well but getting some errors. I kinda expected this.
<!-- Expected input project name -->
{{with .Param "projectName" }}
<!-- Set the Current Project Name that we will looking for it's Pages-->
{{$projectname := .}}
{{$index := 1}}
{{range where $index, site.Pages "Params.project" $projectname}}
Leads to it not knowing why the common is there
And if you take it out
It tries to iterate over the set index. So i am going out limb guess you can’t use range where with an index as well.
That’s fine. I can use Scratch to count for me.
With a few more lines of hugo funky code we can count.
<!--/ed-m/layouts/partials/num-post-for-project.html -->
<!-- Expected in put project name -->
{{with .Param "projectName" }}
<!-- Set the Current Project Name that we will looking for it's Pages-->
{{$projectname := .}}
<!-- Had to use Scratch to count for us cause I could'nt get the index to work with where-->
{{ $.Scratch.Set "betterIndex" 0 }}
{{range where site.Pages "Params.project" $projectname}}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "betterIndex" (add ($.Scratch.Get "betterIndex") 1) }}
<!--Displays the Total number Post for the given project -->
{{$.Scratch.Get "betterIndex"}}
I know this is a simple things, but I know once I move on from working on this site, I am going to forget how hugo works.
I idea of counting the elements iterated over a loop is not a diffcult one, but how to do this in hugo sytanx is a little hard. I am learning it now, but can’t see myself working with everyday once the project is completed my knowledge gains of may become a skill leakage point.
Hugo has no break statement…
I mean that post is from 2017. They could have put in by now. Yeah… I can’t find it anywhere in the docs. or external sites so woo.
but it does let me do dumb things like this.
<!-- /ed-m/layouts/partials/last-date-of-post-for-project.html -->
{{with .Param "projectName" }}
{{$projectname := .}}
{{$WTFisABreakStatment := true}}
{{range where site.Pages.ByDate "Params.project" $projectname }}
{{if $WTFisABreakStatment}}
<time>{{ .Date.Format "Mon, Jan 2, 2006" }}</time>
<!-- Do fuck all -->
{{$WTFisABreakStatment = false}}
Elegant: No Efficient Computationally or Memory wise: No Kinda Goofy to write: Yes…