Q: What is this.?

Answer: A collection of developer notes pertaining usually to web development and adjacent fields.

At minimum these are notes directed toward myself for future recollection. I am usually learning something so some notes may contain partial incorrect information. I do not claim to be an expert on anything and that any code here should not be used for production nor is best practice.

Keycloak update 19.0+ | 220820

Project - Conduit

220820 _0820 Been sick as fuck this week. So I am getting the keycloak back up and running. I have run into an issue with the chart i was using bitnami is behind a major release (18. Read More…

Go Saga Pattern | 220809

Project - Conduit

220809 Saga Pattern has been replicated _2017 It took longer than I wanted to and stole my will a few times, but we’re here now. Okay so there is still some work to be done on it. Read More…

Saga Runner | 220801

Project - Conduit

220801 Saga Runner I am working on getting the saga its list of commands to execute. I made some notes to help me with error handling /* Order of Transaction is import in passed ListOfTransactions - Compensatable Transactions: -- NOTE: Compensatable Transactions should have two Transaction Commands. Read More…

Update 07/28 | 220728

Project - Conduit

220728 _0852 Lost like 3 hours not cause I was messing up sub typing and design patterns of golang, but cause I did not know how slices work apparently which was fun, cause I was like it can’t be slice it has the more complex part of this. Read More…

OOP in go Stuggle to understand | 220727

Project - Conduit

220727 _2337 Trying to OOP in go sure is fun. The more I do it the more fun it is… Just realized I am going to need to rework this saga again For the Execute interface for the transaction command I made each of the sub interfaces(classes in my head) take in an interface so you can pass anything to the sub Transactions Commands. Read More…

Casting Commands | 220726

Project - Conduit

220726 Okay I’ve been working the saga pattern. It took me a while of paper and thinking to figure it out. I have the concept worked out. Looking at it now it seems simple, but it took me a lot of big thinking to figure it out. Read More…

Planning Sage Pattern Implemtation and Experments | 220718

Project - Conduit

220718 _0523 Okay I’ve been do throwing this idea around in my head after getting that reader to work last week. I don’t think I need a Kafka just to use cross service just to send REST request between services. Read More…

Messing around with Kafka | 220713

Project - Conduit

220713 Wtf is the key used for in Kafka I saw the key inside of the go-kafka for the writer and wasn’t wtf it was meant for. TIL I think it to tell kafka what partition to use. Read More…

Trying to get Kafka to send Rest Messages | 220712

Project - Conduit

220712 0251 So this is what I came up with I am positive this will change once the integration is more along, but I need to start from some where. Request Orchestration So in the request I have the Saga with some unique id for the Saga orchestrated and the name. Read More…

Kafka Config | 220711

Project - Conduit

220711 Working on the kafka integration gotta find a better way to user the viper env loader package, cause I am running to problems sending the broker and env information around to different so I think I need to work on this cause I am getting this error(below) I am I have gotten it similar when bring on the other services two cause I try to not repeat code. Read More…